
Monday, 30 September 2013

Advice collumn example

0k so i will give an example of a problem a person has cause i really love helping people so no matter what situation i will help like either fashion emergency or just a problem like what should you wear for an upcoming dance? or bff or boy troubles so anyways here it goes: Dear Fashion Blogger, Me and my best friend Brittney have been having problems shes kinda blowing me off and not really talking to me what should i do? - Tiffany age 13 or Friendless ( either one works! ) Dear Tiffany, I had the same situation with a friend when i was you age but the solution is simply talk to your friend in private and kindly tell her how you feel and ask her why she is acting the way she is. Then the other way around remember to have friends be a friend so listen to her, no interrupting and then you can continue to talk about it after she responds. If she is`nt interested in talking don`t fight about it give her time, or if she treats you badly you might wanna question if she is a good friend or not? and then go find some new friends - Fashion Blogger

Friday, 27 September 2013

All about me

hello fellow viewers. so a little info on who i am ill just sum it up as best as i can. so here it goes. i live in canada. i love purple. i have a best friend named abby who is also a blogger. i am 15 years old. i love writng and hope to be a journalist someday. i love fashion. i am adventurous. i have a cat named swoose and a bird named peaches. i have a sister. i love imagine dragons. i love lord of the rings. i am weird. so thats about it thats all you need to know about me. thanks again for viewing. one more thing any suggestions about what i should write about next comment below. Adios.


haii people. so as you know i just started a fashion blog and basically whats its all about is my personal fashion style , fashion tips with my personal recommendations so feel free to comment all your fashion crises and i will make sure to answer them all. Also this blog is all about me and who i am and like recent updates about my life so follow me and enjoy!